Vi har lanceret en Google Ads e-bog
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Vi har lanceret en Google Ads e-bog

Vi fandt et behov Man kunne være fristet til at spørge hvorfor at et Google Ads bureau begynder at skrive bøger og hvad meningen er med en Google Ads e-bog. Jo, ser I. Selv en lille slinger i Google Ads-valsen sender hurtigt din potentielle kunde videre til din konkurrent. Som specialister i Google Ads har vi gennemgået…

Smart målsætning
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Smart målsætning

Hvorfor, hvad og hvordan Alt for mange virksomheder har ikke en særlig anvendelig eller målbar målsætning,såsom en SMART-målsætning, og det koster dem dyrt. En god målsætning er fundamentet for at få succes med online markedsføring.  Vi har derfor lavet den ultimative guide til at opnå den mest optimale målsætning, der sikrer et laserskarpt fokus på…

How To Track New Customer Acquisition in Google Analytics With Shopify
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How To Track New Customer Acquisition in Google Analytics With Shopify

For any business, the value of a customer extends beyond the immediate dollar value of their purchase. Rather, the value of a customer is equal to the present value of their future purchases, as well as the cost savings that often accrue as a result of reduced marketing expenses (think e-mail marketing vs. the Google…

Identifying AdWords Tracking Issues with Calculated Metrics in Google Analytics
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Identifying AdWords Tracking Issues with Calculated Metrics in Google Analytics

Calculated metrics are a great addition to Google Analytics (GA), enabling web analysts and marketing professionals to perform basic, yet very powerful, calculations directly in the GA interface. One calculated metric I have found very useful is (AdWords) clicks vs. (AdWords) sessions. Given the tight integration between AdWords and GA (when using auto-tagging), one can…